Cash Register (Kassatellen)
Counting the Cash Register (Kassatellen)
Forgot your password?
Is a POS system?
Kassatellen - Company Settings
Which accounting software does integrate with?
Cash discrepancy or tip?
I want to reset my password, but I don't receive a link
Is Kassatellen better than Excel?
Kassatellen - Cash book settings
Which cash register systems does integrate with?
Activation email not received
Changing, removing or adding a user
Do I have to pay for integrations?
Is there a mobile app?
Opening counted days
Company details change/update
Confirming counted days
Do I need a cashbook?
Settings - Integrations
Do you offer a free trial period?
Double bookings in accounting software
How do I pay for my subscription and invoices?
Integration - UnTill
Deleting counted days
Graduated discount for Accountants and Resellers
Integration - Twinfield
Interface language change
Integration - Yuki
Viewing and editing Balancebook
How do I create revenue groups?
Integration - Exact
How do I process invoices that go "On account"?
Integration - Lightspeed
How do I create an expense category for paid from cash?
Create and book booking proposals
How can I see if a day has already been booked?
Why my counted days have not been booked?
Who should establish the connection with the accounting software?
How can I see who counted the till?